Friday, April 27, 2007

Blog Neglect

So I've been neglecting my blog. I've been busy and kinda stressed out lately, so that's probably why. I still have not finished my socks. I'm working the gusset decreases on the second sock. I could finish it in a day if I felt motivated.
Instead I've been working on crochet and cross stitch. However, my first cross stitch isn't going so well, and I'm considering scrapping the current bit of fabric and starting over. Maybe I could use the fabric for something else. I have another cross stitch project I need to start working on, and plot it out correctly this time. ( I know its supposed to be counted and yadda yadda, but I'm spatially challenged so I plot it out. Not a good idea in blue pen, I should get some colored pencils)

My crochet efforts have gone slightly better.I managed to make a granny square. I have a blanket I should be working on, but I'm feeling a bit less than motivated.

Uh, that's about it craft wise. Ciara and I have been doing some baking lately, and I really need to learn how to decorate a cake.

And another thing to add to my list of stresses, I leave for Ireland way too soon, without any money; and I have stuff that I should be booking. But that requires money!

Gah, my life is one filled with woe. *Cue Violins*

Friday, April 13, 2007


It's a DODO! (

That just made my day. I'm now determined to get better at crochet just so I can make a dodo. Then my life will be complete.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


So I hadn't really looked around knitpicks a whole lot until now.

It's like Mecca for cheap yarn.
I think I've fallen in love.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


I was grasping at straws for a title there. Very enthralling, I know. So today is Saturday and tomorrow is Easter, and then its back to full time hell...I mean school..yes. Well actually, school isn't so bad, its the getting up so gosh darn early that I despise, that and the standardized tests. I have WASL's the next week after I get back. And then AP tests in May ( those are the ones I'm worried about, WASls and SATs are easy) and June second I have my SAT. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but seeing as how this is the most boring blog on the face of the earth, and may have one, occasional, accidental reader, I feel that's OK. I guess I should start commenting on others peoples blogs more.

My Yellowstone sock is a bit past the heel gusset. I'm paranoid I won't have enough yarn, so I'm not feeling all that motivated to knit it.

The last two days here have been quite sunny and lovely, and today its overcast. Which I guess I am glad about. I went out yesterday for about 10 minutes, and ended up with a hundred new freckles and pink angry skin. ( Can you say lily white? And I don't even have red hair,I have dark hair) so Aloe Vera is my buddy today.

Instead of our own coreography, Ciara and I have decided to dance Miserlou in hafla, which is good because we are learning it hands on in class and can get lots of help.

Well..I have the worlds most boring essay to finish, along with some bio, but instead of doing that right away, I think I'm going to watch a movie, or look through cookbooks to find a chocolate pie recipe. I write better under pressure anyway. ( Really, while it sounds like an excuse to procrastinate, I can write out a decent essay in 30 minutes under pressure, or a crappy one in two days if there's no pressure)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Back from Chelan

So I'm back from my short vacation to Chelan. It was fun. We visited the yarn shop in Leavenworth, and I got the book " Domiknitrix" which is spiffy. I finished up my Fleece Artist socks, I'm having tons of left over yarn from my socks, I should figure out what to do with it. I've decided to knit my socks on size 0's from now on, unless the yarn is thicker or some other circumstance. My next pair, which I will probably cast on for tonight will be made out of Mountain Colors Bearfoot in Yellowstone.

I am excited for the Fleece artist update coming up on the loopy ewe. I still might place an order at simply sock yarn though.
Coming up later this week, pictures of my Woodland Socks, and other ramblings.