Saturday, February 17, 2007

Birthday, v 2.0

Today I celebrated my birthday with Brian and my mom. We went out to breakfast at the Black Diamond bakery, located in scenic downtown black diamond. ( It's a tiny little mining town, but they have the best hashbrowns)

Then we were going to go and get my MP3, and we did, but I got the new ipod instead of anything else, mainly just to avoid software transitions. Its a 30GB, named Zack ( as in Muzac) and it's white.

Then we were going to go and see Pan's Labyrinth ( again for me) buut the theater doesn't update their website enough so it wasn't showing anymore and I didn't want to see something else instead. So we just sort of spent the rest of the day wandering around doing stuff.

It was pretty fun, though I'm dissapointed by the lack of a movie. And I have fallen in love with the Socks that Rock colorway Little bunny foo foo. I'm gonna have to get some of that.

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