Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Scarf..Still not done.

Well..that scarf still isn't done. It's freakishly long, and my yarn ball is getting smaller and smaller, so it should be done by Friday or so.
Speaking of Friday, It's my birthday so I get to go on a massive yarn binge. I'm going to Seattle with my Dad, and he's paying...I think we will at least hit Hilltop Yarn and Little Knits, but if I can make it to Tricoter to pick up some Socks that Rock, that would be great. ( However, if I don't manage it on Friday, I'm certain I can manage it on Sat.)

I ordered some Bronze DPN's from Celtic Swan forge in a size one. ( They should be here in a couple of weeks. I wish I could have been able to afford some silver ones, but perhaps I will get there eventually. Their customer service was really great, and I've heard nothing but good things about the needles. Speaking of which, my brother broke one of my Brittany Birch straights, so I need to email them and ask for a replacement. Another place with great customer service.

I have my sock knitting class on the 4th of March, I convinced a few friends to come along and I'm learning how to use DPN's tomorrow which will be most helpful.

I have bellydance tonight, I'm going to talk with Hasani ( My fantastic bellydance teacher about dancing in my first hafla. My plan is to do a solo in the August one, and then a duo with Ciara in the november one.

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